Dark Horse Celebration Saturday
20% off Dark Horse Related
Graphic Novels, Statures, Back Issues.
Each customer will receive a
FREE Dark Horse Day Sampler comic book
(while supplies last, see store for details)
Celebrate 30 years of Dark Horse with special giveaway items plus a 40-page sampler comic. Ask The Comic Store for more information
As Dark Horse Comics turns thirty, we present a look back at some of our top titles from past decades, including Aliens vs. Predator: Blood Time (1994), by Randy Stradley and Phill Norwood, Sin City: Daddy’s Little Girl (1996), by Frank Miller, and The Umbrella Academy: Anywhere but Here (2008), by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá! Plus: a new Buffy the Vampire Slayer tale by Christos Gage! Also features a new cover by Steve Morris for the forty-page Dark Horse Day Sampler.
Don't miss out on Dark Horse Day !